Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Productivity Notes

Okay, so can I just tell you for a moment how much I love my new laptop? This week has been a flood of meetings and time spent outside the office - under normal circumstances, I'd get absolutely nothing done in that circumstance. But now, with my sexy Mac PowerBook (17" screen too - hazaah!) I've been able to get a fair amount of work done on some major projects with little inconvenience - and, my ultimate goal of being able to camp out in a coffee shop for a couple of hours while I work has now been achieved. In fact I'm doing it right now (tee!)

The last few days have definitely taught me a few things about productivity. Every morning this week I've had somewhere to be in the morning, which ended up requiring me to get up earlyish, take a shower and leave the house. As I went through the day, I've noticed that I'm getting a lot more done - I've been getting where I need to be, I take my files with me on my iPod (which, by the way, makes a PERFECT pocket-sized portable hard drive), and work on things in coffeeshops between meetings. I'm spending a bit too much money this month (okay, WAY too much money), but overall, I'm getting a lot more work done.

I've also noticed that I'm more productive with a clean, sparse desk - so over the next few weeks, I'm going to be looking for more space to store the stuff that tends to overcrowd my desk, and organizing the zen kitchen's office to get rid of the clutter and make it a truly work-friendly environment. I'm thinking I might move more of my crafty stuff into the dining room (I prefer doing crafts there), but I'm not completely sure about that yet.

It's going to get really busy for me soon, so I'm glad to have a moment to get this stuff done now!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar! (quietly, yes, but still)

This morning I finally took myself up on my commitment to go to o2 Yoga on Tuesday mornings, and even after three days of no yoga and WAY more meat than I should ever be eating, I have to say I'm a lot stronger than I think I am. I was able to get through a pretty vinyasa-heavy class (for the non-yoga folks out there, it's this sequence of postures where you touch your toes, jump back to a push-up position, do a push up, arch your back up and then bring your butt up so your body's in an upside-down V shape. This happens about every 5 minutes as you do the practice.) without killing myself, although I was doing it A LOT more slowly towards the end. Still, it was definitely Good For Me.

What I like about going to class as opposed to my normal home practice (especially when the class is at o2) is that it's inspiring - most of the students at o2 are people, like me, who do yoga as their primary spiritual/physical practice, and all of them have really beautiful bodies - a body which, despite having quite a bit of extra padding still, I'm starting to see in myself.

I have so much more to write about in terms of various life-changing moments, but I have to go be productive now. I'm so pleased!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


One of the things you notice when you've been working out a lot (at least I notice it) is that your whole body starts to change; the fat is still there to an extent, but everything is tighter, more athletic. I've been doing yoga on a pretty regular basis now for about a month now, and I'm starting to notice a huge difference in my overall shape, especially my stomach. I've still got plenty to pinch, mind, but I swear I can see a six-pack under the flab that has yet to go away. on top of that, my arms are much less jiggly.

It's nice to take notice of things like that once in a while. It gets too easy to focus on the numbers on the scale and refuse to notice the small victories that life is handing you.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Winter weather blahs and blechs

I have to admit, it gets much harder to stick to my daily yoga plan during the winter. I tend to get a touch of SAD, which makes getting out of bed more difficult than I care for it to be (this morning, which is gray and rainy, was nearly impossible), but I'm somehow managing to persevere. The last few days my practice has been limited or non-existent, but I'm going to take some time to do it now before I get into the full swing of the workday.

In other news, I was finally able to get a new (and quite lovely) yoga outfit for myself, as a reward for being so good on vacation. I'm starting to notice now that I don't have as many bulges as I used to have; while I'm certainly not skinny, there's a much leaner overall appearance to my body that I'm quite enjoying.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Not much to report

Except to say that I'm seeing definite tightening of certain areas (especially my tummy, arms and bum), I'm eating more mindfully, and there is a definite Loosening of Pant. All of which makes me very happy.

Now that I'm back in the grind, so to speak, daily yoga is a bit more of a challenge than it was during vacation. There was less of an excuse then—I didn't have jobs to get to, or things to do, and I could allow myself not to have a choice to do it. Now that I'm here, I'm finding all sorts of little excuses not to do it.

My next big challenge is taking control of my time. This means less time checking e-mail and my various online distractions, and more time making lists and getting through them. The New Year has brought with it a few new clients already, so it's time to get on top of things!

Edit: Upon further inspection, I'm also noticing significantly Less to Pinch, another thing that makes me smile.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

It fits ALL. Really?

Taken from a yoga store's website:

"This tank is available in a single, one-size-fits-all size. It will comfortably fit anyone from size 2 through 8."

I ask you, REALLY. Is that one size fits ALL?

Let me start (well, okay—continue) this rant by stating one thing unequivocally: I ain't petite. I never WAS petite. I shall never BE petite. At my absolute thinnest EVER I was a size 10, and while some probably thought I could have lost even a bit more weight, I didn't need to, and I certainly didn't want to. I, and my body, were perfectly happy at a size 10. I looked good. I was healthy. I was happy. As. A. Size. 10.

Now. You wanna rephrase that one-size-fits-all bit?

After two weeks of daily yoga

I'm noticing that I don't eat nearly as much as I used to (although yesterday, exhausted from the lack of sleep that accompanied New Year's Eve at my mom's house, was a definite Off Day). I'm also noticing that I generally have more energy, despite the fact that I desperately need to crash hard and early tonight. But most of all, I'm noticing not only that I'm stronger, but that the uncomfortable tightness that accompanied certain items of clothing just recently has lessened significantly, even though it's still on the tight side.

What I'm saying here is that I'm pretty damn psyched and I want to keep this up.

I'm also saying that I managed to meet my goal of doing yoga every day during my vacation (with the exception of the day I spent walking to the store and cleaning the layer of white dust from renovations that was covering my apartment when I got home, which broke me for a day), which means I get to give myself a reward. So sometime this week I'm going to get myself a snazzy new yoga outfit, probably from Lulu Lemon, but I'm open to suggestion.