Friday, May 11, 2007

Promises to myself

I promise that I will acknowledge when I kick major ass and forgive myself for the occasional misstep.

I promise that I will honor my body and spirit's needs and not push myself unless I know that to do so will move me further towards my goal.

I promise that I will more carefully evaluate opportunities to make sure they align with my goals and values.

I promise that I will eat ice cream if I damn well want to, but I won't try to shove food down my gullet just to fill some unknown hole.

I promise that I will take charge of my finances once and for all, even if that means seriously buckling down for a year or two to pay off the hideous and evil debt (including the student loans).

I promise that, next year, I will have made more money than last year - and I promise that it will be accomplished without losing sight of my health and well-being.

I promise that I will continue to kick major ass, because I'm damn good at it.

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