Sunday, July 27, 2008

Today's workout/progress

Today: 15 minutes of elliptical followed by 30 minutes of strength training and 15 minutes of stretching.

Normally, I flank my strength workouts with 15-minute jaunts on the elliptical, but last night's run has my legs and hips a bit tighter than normal, and I started feeling gentle pulls on my thighs as I did the first part of my strength workouts (front, side and back squats with a 4-kg medicine ball), so I felt it was probably best to rest and stretch after the workout.

All in all, though, it felt good - and my mood is much better now than it has been in the last couple of days. This, of course, indicates that I should work out more often, which is Fine by Me.

In terms of progress, I also weighed myself this afternoon - and I'm down to 186, from 189 last week. This is mostly water weight, I'm imagining, but still - that means that 185 is around the corner, which in turn means I'll be down 25 pounds total since the beginning of the year. Not too shabby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dani! I enjoyed your comments on HOW forum in Kimburger's thread about inspiring weight loss tools. I am having a devil of a time staying committed to sensible eating, and it's such a mental game. You have some interesting perspectives that I'm going to keep in mind when I get my resolve back to do this thang. Your success is inspiring! -mrsbrak