Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Advice on planning for 2007

A terrific woman in my network, Kerri Salls of Breakthrough Business School, gave me some great advice on planning for 2007:

1) sketch out where you want to be, personally and professionally, in 2010;
2) break that down to where you need to be in 2007 to get you there;
3) break that down into 90-day action plans to help you move toward your vision.

Kerri is a consultant that helps business owners make more money in less time. I met her during a speaking engagement I did at the Northeastern University XCel Conference, and her workshop on managing your finances gave me some terrific new ideas that I put into place almost immediately after the event. If you're an entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level and make more money in less time, check out her website at Breakthrough-Business-School.com.

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